Sunday, July 10, 2016

Weathered off Longs

On paper today was the perfect day to hike the Longs peak trail and maybe even attempt the summit. Forecast was for hot, clear weather, i.e. no afternoon T-storms. So I hit the trail early, wearing shorts and a T-shirt as the temps were already warm.

All was great until about 12,000', a mile from the Boulder Field. The light breeze turned into a fierce, cold wind. Normally hiking uphill keeps me plenty warm, but I needed to throw on a long sleeve shirt. By the time I reached the Boulder Field at 12,700' the wind was howling and bitter cold. Hikers were pulling on fleece jackets or even down sweaters. So instead of climbing to the Keyhole I decided to head back down. Hence I was "weathered off" Longs.

At this point I was planning to take a side trail below 12,000 to extend my hike. But the stoopid wind chased me downhill! There were gusts of over 30 mph even when I got below treeline. Of course as I descended the air grew warmer, so about half way down I was able to ditch the long sleeve shirt.

Not sure if the wind continued or died down, but I didn't feel like trying another hike. While this hike was shorter than planned I still got in 12 miles and 3200' elevation gain. And it was one of my fastest ascents. Just 2 hours and 15 minutes to reach the far end of the Boulder Field, and I passed thirty hikers on the way. Woof!

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