Saturday, July 23, 2016

Chasm lake

Time to 'fess up. I had planned to hike Pikes Peak this morning, but I slept through the alarm (set for 12:30 am). But I did wake up early enough to do Chasm lake, so there ya go. Yes Chasm lake is reached via the Longs peak trail, the same trail I've been hiking most weekends.

This was my first visit to Chasm lake this year, as earlier in the season the trail required crossing a steep snowfield (now melted). My timing was good as columbines were going crazy in the cool alpine valley east of the lake.

Lots of water flowing, too, The green pond is below Chasm lake.

Chasm lake itself is hidden from view until you climb up a 20' rock slab. Then voila: the lake appears right at the base of the towering east face of Longs peak. Actually the lake is surrounded by peaks.

As you see the sky was blue, meaning no T-storms to worry about. So after getting back to the Longs peak trail I spent the rest of the day hiking here and there. First I hiked up to the Boulder field and Keyhole, then I hiked down the north Longs peak trail and Boulder brook trail. This is terrain I've already hiked this year, but the special thing this time was wildlife. First I heard several marmots making their alarm bark, which sounds like a short, high pitched whistle: peet! Then I heard a coyote howling and yipping, which was why the marmots were frightened. Later I saw a marmot family with two pups. And I saw a pika (no photo).

But wait, there's more. As I hiked down the tundra I saw a ptarmigan with a couple of chicks. Then a few minutes later I saw another ptarmigan, also with chicks. And finally near the base of the Boulder brook trail I saw an enormous wild turkey (photographed as he walked away).

Okay so it wasn't Pikes peak but I made the best of a late start. I got in 23 miles, gained 5300' of elevation -- and I got to visit my favorite privy on the west side of the Boulder field. Not a bad day.

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