Sunday, June 26, 2016

Feeling the Fern

Despite the innocuous name Fern canyon is the steepest trail in the Boulder Mountain parks, climbing 2100' in 1.2 miles. Earlier this year I hiked down Fern canyon from Bear peak, but today was my first hike up this trail. By the time I reached the summit I was soaked with sweat. Last time I was on Bear peak I didn't stick around, as there were annoying gnats everywhere. This time I saw dozens of dragonflies circling the peak. Cool sight.

I returned via the Green-Bear trail, hiking up Green mountain before heading down the Ranger and Gregory trails. Atop Green mountain Monarch butterflies were fluttering around, and some checked out my bright orange backpack to see if it was a flower. By the way the latest wildflowers were a study in contrast. In a cool, shaded valley I saw a couple of columbines, which normally grow at much higher elevations. And on a sunny, south facing hillside prickly pear was in bloom.

The hike was about 9 miles and 3500' elevation gain. 

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