Sunday, June 5, 2016

Walk in the park

Slept in this morning as I was up late watching Al Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon (1975). "Attica! Attica!" When I did get up I didn't have any major aches from yesterday's long trek, so I figured that I could do a short hike. I mean relatively short. I hiked from Chautauqua park to Bear peak, 10 miles, 2800' elevation gain. A month ago this was a strenous hike for me, but now it feels routine. Not sayin' I don't breathe hard on the steep sections, but I can keep up a good pace. Only trail runners were going any faster.

No wildlife today but I did see four more types of wildflowers. Also some tall weeds: teasel, thistle and mullein. Still lots of snow up on the Divide but some of the lower hikes in Rocky Mountain park should be doable next weekend.

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