Saturday, June 4, 2016

Flatirons greatest hits

My hike today is known as Guardians of the Flatirons, and it involves summiting all three of the 8000' peaks in the Boulder mountain parks. Per usual I started at Chautauqua park

... but instead of heading up the nearest peak (Green mountain) I hiked the Mesa trail south toward the S Mesa trail head. Some critters were out this morning, including several mule deer and a red fox. The wildflowers were comparable to last weekend. While the irises were fading some new flowers were coming online, including the spiny yucca (also called soapweed)

In about 2 hours I reached the far end of the Mesa trail, so time to turn around and head for the hills!

For the third weekend in a row I climbed the steep trail up Shadow canyon, reaching the saddle between S Boulder peak and Bear peak shortly before 11:00 am. First stop was S Boulder peak, from where I took a photo of Bear peak.

By the way since I knew that I would be out in the sun all day I was wearing my white hiking cap, which has a detachable mesh neck shade. I have never thought of this cap as being fashionable, but as I hiked down from S Boulder a trail runner said, "Your hat is awesomeness!"

After returning to the saddle I did the short and easy hike up Bear peak, followed by the long and rocky descent down Bear peak's west ridge to the Green-Bear trail. The GB trail eventually connects to a short but steep trail to Green mountain's summit. Several hiking groups were on top -- in fact it felt almost festive. Then down the Ranger trail, down the Gregory canyon trail, and lastly a short walk through Chautauqua to my car. En route I saw one interesting wildflower and one not-so-wild flower.

In all today's three-peak hike was about 16 miles and over 5000' elevation gain. That's comparable to climbing Long's peak, except not really coz Long's is a completely different animal.

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