Friday, April 22, 2016

Treadmill hiking

Last weekend Boulder got 15" of snow. Since I don't snowshoe this ruled out hiking outdoors. Instead I "hiked" indoors by walking uphill on a treadmill. Initially I did 2 miles on a 8% slope, but since then I've done some longer and steeper walks. Two nights ago I got in 3.5 miles at 11.5%, which translates to about 2100' elevation gain. Of course it's not really equivalent to outdoor hiking, especially since the trails I hike are rarely smooth. Rocky, uneven trails build ankle strength, and stepped trails like Bright Angel exercise upper leg muscles. But the treadmill is good for getting your legs moving and heart pumping.

While a lot of the snow has melted many trails are still a "muddy mess" according to Boulder County Trail Conditions. But I think I should be able to hike on Sunday if I choose an unshaded, south facing slope like the southern end of the Mesa trail.

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